Bulk Shopping with Boxed Wholesale

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If you guys follow me via Instagram then you may have saw that I shared about Boxed Wholesale which is a service that I have been using for a few years now to order household items that are delivered straight to my doorstep. If you are unfamiliar with Boxed Wholesale, it’s basically buying in bulk without having to purchase a yearly membership and the best part is that it gets shipped straight to your doorstep! Now, you know I am a huge Cost Co shopper and I will continue to shop at Cost Co because I love their fresh produce section along with all their food items but what I love about Boxed Wholesale is that I can get all the other things, things that are bulky like paper towels delivered straight to my doorstep plus it ships for free. Total win right?! Boxed Wholesale offers a variety of products to choose from and outside of the brands that you recognize and probably already shop at the grocery store, you also have their own awesome line called Prince and Spring which I order tons of items from. They are great products for a fraction of the name brand items and I find that they work great! Some of my favorite items are their paper towels, paper plates, trash bags, and several of their snacks. Boxed Wholesale is definitely not a place where I would need to order weekly but I love being able to place a order when I need to stock up on day to day items without never having to leave my house plus did I mention that they always offer two free samples too?! It’s always fun to pick our samples out and try items that we may have never tried before. If you are interested in giving Boxed Wholesale a try, you can use my link HERE and get $15.00 off your first order plus free shipping!

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